Aristoquakes Masterpieces of Frog-Art
I have received some Masterpieces of Frog-Art pictures created
by Roland in the likeness of other artists. I have permission to
put them on my frog web site. These images are Copyright (C)
2000-2005: All rights reserved by R.W.Aristoquakes. The links
below will take you to pages with pictures of Aristoquakes
Masterpieces of Frog-Art.
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art I Wilhelm Busch: Germany 1832-1908
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art II Wilhelm Busch: Germany 1832-1908
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art III Wilhelm Busch: Germany 1832-1908
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art IV Wilhelm Busch: Germany 1832-1908
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art V Wilhelm Busch: Germany 1832-1908
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art VI Wilhelm Busch: Germany 1832-1908
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art VII Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands 1450-1516
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art VIII Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands 1450-1516
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art IX Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands 1450-1516
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art X Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands 1450-1516
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XI Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands 1450-1516
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XII Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands 1450-1516
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XIII Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands 1450-1516
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XIV Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands 1450-1516
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XV Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands 1450-1516
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XVI Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands 1450-1516
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XVII Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands 1450-1516
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XVIII Hieronymus Bosch: Netherlands
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XIX Pieter Breughel: Netherlands (Flamen)
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XX Pieter Breughel: Netherlands (Flamen)
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXI Pieter Breughel: Netherlands (Flamen)
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXII Pieter Breughel: Netherlands (Flamen)
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXIII Pieter Breughel: Netherlands (Flamen)
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXIV M.C. Escher: Netherlands (Flamen)
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXV Frans Francken: Netherlands (Flamen)
1542 - 1616
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXVI Frans Francken: Netherlands (Flamen)
1542 - 1616
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXVII Frans Francken: Netherlands (Flamen)
1542 - 1616
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXVIII Frans Francken: Netherlands (Flamen)
1542 - 1616
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXIX Albrecht Dürer: Germany 1471 - 1528
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXX Günter Grass: Germany ( Nobel-Prize of
Literary 2000 )
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXXI Goya: Spain 1746 - 1828
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXXII J. W. von Goethe: Germany 1749 - 1832
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXXIII Hans Baldung Grien, Germany,1484 -
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXXIV Jacob de Gheyn: Netherlands 15. / 16.
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXXV Alfred Kubin: Austria 1877 - 1959
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXXVI Alfred Kubin: Austria 1877 - 1959
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXXVII Alfred Kubin: Austria 1877 - 1959
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXXVIII Christoph Jamnitzer:
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XXXIX Johnson: Germany made in 1933 and 1936
against Hitler
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XL Leonardo da Vinci: Italian 1452-1519
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XLI Knoblochzer: Germany 1440 -1500
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XLII Gustave Dorè: France 1832 - 1883
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XLIII Max Ernst: Germany 1891 - 1976
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XLIV Grandville: France 1803 - 1847
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XLV Grandville: France 1803 - 1847
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XLVI Grandville: France 1803 - 1847
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XLVII Otto Pankok: Germany 1893 - 1966
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XLVIII Joachim Patinir: Netherlands 1478 -
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XLIX Lucas Cranach: Germany 1472 - 1553
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art L Mathis Grünewald: Germany 1450 - 1528
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LI Wilhelm Höpfner: Germany 1885 - 1949
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LII David Teniers: Netherlands ( Flamen )
1610 - 1690
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LIII Matthäus Merian: German 1593 - 1650
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LIV The FrogWorld of David Gilhooly II: USA
Born April 15, 1943
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LV The FrogWorld of David Gilhooly II: USA
Born April 15, 1943
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LVI David Gilhooly II: USA Born April 15,
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LIVII The FrogWorld of David Gilhooly II:
USA Born April 15, 1943
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LVIII David Gilhooly II: USA Born April 15,
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LIX Heinrich Campendonk: Germany 1889 - 1957
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LX William Hogarth: England 1697 - 1764
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXI Hans Holbein: Germany 1465 - 1524
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXII Paul Weber: Germany 1893 - 1981
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXIII Virgil Solis: Germany 1514 - 1562
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXIV Roy Lichtenstein: USA Born 1923 New
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXV C. Harnisch: Germany 1803 - 1868
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXVI Master Ripley: England 1540 - 1590
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXVII Various Artists beginning with A, B
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXVIII Various Artists beginning with B
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXIX Various Artists beginning with B, C
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXX Various Artists beginning with C, D, E
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXI Various Artists beginning with H, L
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXII Illustrations in the
"London-Punch" - Artists Unknown
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXIII Various Artists beginning with M
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXIV Horst Janssen: Germany, *1929
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXV Various Artists beginning with O, R
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXVI Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXVII Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century
- Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXVIII Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century
- Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXIX Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXX Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXXI Various Artists beginning with E, F
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXXII Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century
- Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXXIII Various Artists beginning with F, G,
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXXIV Various Artists beginning with H, J,
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXXV Various Artists beginning with K, L
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXXVI Various Artists beginning with M, N
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXXVII Various Artists beginning with N, O,
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXXVIII Various Artists beginning with P,
R, S
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art LXXXIX Various Artists beginning with S
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XC Various Artists beginning with R, S
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XCI Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XCII Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XCIII Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XCIV Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XCV Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XCVI 17th Century various Artists beginning
with S
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XCVII Various Artists beginning with S, T
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XCVIII Various Artists beginning with T, U,
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art XCIX Various Artists beginning with V, W
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art C Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CI Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CII Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CIII Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CIV Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CV Fritz Bergmann: Austria 19th Century -
Vienna Bronze
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CX Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXI Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXIII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXIV Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXV Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXVI Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXVII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXVIII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century
- Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXIX Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXX Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXI Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXIII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century
- Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXIV Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXV Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXVI Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXVII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century
- Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXVIII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century
- Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXIX Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXX Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXXI Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXXII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century
- Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXXIII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century
- Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXXIV Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century
- Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXXV Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXXVI Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century
- Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXXVII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century
- Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXXVIII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st
Century - Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXXXIX Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century
- Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXL Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXLI Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXLII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century -
Frog Paintings
- Aristoquakes Masterpieces of
Frog-Art CXLIII Kelly Helgeson: America 21st Century
- Frog Paintings
Return to Frog Drawings
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Page last updated 26 Mar 2006.
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