Iagoo Falls
- County
- Gogebic
- Water Source
- Presque Isle River
- Location
- Porcupine Mountains State Park
- Size
- Directions
- Go north on Co. Rd. 519 from M-28 in Wakefield for about
15 miles to Porcupine Mountains State Park and continue
about 2 miles into the park (or follow South Boundary
Road, to its western end in the park to reach 519 and go
left on 519 about 1/2 mile south of South Boundary Road.)
Park on the side of the road.
- Trail
- The falls is through the woods to the east. There is no
marked trail to the falls; in fact I could find no trail
at all. The Michigan Waterfall book suggests marking a
trail to be safe - walk to the river and go upstream or
downstream to reach the falls.
- Other Information
- The falls is described in the Michigan Waterfall book as
"created as the Presque isle River slides about six
feet over a section of conglomerate rock - is more a
large rapids between two smaller rapids than a
- I visited this fall in the summer of 1997. I'm not sure
whether or not I found the falls. I tried to get clearer
directions from the park registration building, but no
one there knew how to find the falls. When I walked into
the woods from 519 I reached the river bank - it was
quite high and very steep, and the river bed was quite
dry with just a small amount of water in it. I climbed
down the bank and followed the river bed to the right
(south and upstream) to where it flowed heavier (to a Y)
and found some rapids where the river bent and flowed to
the east. I couldn't see anything else either upstream or
- If anyone has been to Iagoo Falls and can tell me whether
or not I found them I would appreciate hearing from them.
If I didn't find them I would love to get better
directions and/or a photo of the actual falls.
- Information sent to me by Dag Grada: Iagoo
Falls - It is an interesting coincidence (?) that Iagoo
happens to be a trickster character in Ojibway legend. He
is also a renowned liar and braggart. There are no
waterfalls or significant rapids in this stretch of
river. Then again it may be that history has misplaced
this falls. Below Lepisto Falls there is another
waterfall which kayakers refer to as "Little
Lepisto". This may be the missing Iagoo falls. Do a
search on the word Iagoo to find the Longfellow verse on
this character.
- (See Manabezho Falls, Manido Falls, Nawadaha Falls, and Unnamed Falls in the same area.)
- Other Photo
Here's a photo looking down at the riverbed from
the top of the bluff.
Return to Waterfalls in Gogebic County I

Page last updated 28 Dec 2000.
Email comments to dmmaki@MichelesWorld.net