Bond Falls
- Water Source
- Middle Branch Ontonagon River
- Location
- Ontonagon County, 3 1/2 miles east of Paulding from US-45
on Bond Falls Road
- Size
- The river is about 80 feet wide as it drops about 50 feet
over the main falls
- Trail
- There are now two ways to view Bond Falls. One is to stay
on Bond Falls Road until you reach the falls and park
either along the road or in the small parking area across
the road from the falls. The trail is easy to follow from
the parking lot but includes many steps and a viewing
area half way down the falls. It is steep at times, but
well worth the walk. One advantage of taking this way is
that you can see other falls on the way down to the big
- The other way is to turn left on the new road that goes
down the hill just before you come to the falls as you
are coming from US-45 in Paulding. The sign says
something like Bond Scenic Area or something like that.
This road takes you down to the bottom of the falls where
there is a large parking lot, two restrooms, and a
handicapped-accessible blacktop walk to the falls.

- Other Information
- The first photo above shows the wooden walk that provides
a place to view the falls. It and the second fall show
the right side of the falls. the third photo shows the
left side of the falls. The last photo above shows the
entire waterfall. These photos were taken when I last
visited the falls on October 2, 2006. The photo to the
right is a photo I took on a previous trip with my older
camera, which shows a better reflection in the water.
- This is one of the most impressive waterfalls in Upper
Michigan and is quite accessible. I have taken my mother
when she was 78 and my grandson Ryan at age 10, and both
managed the trail with no difficulty. (See Ryan's Trip Journal
about his trip to Bond Falls and a Picture of Ryan at Bond
Falls). However, if the new road had been built when
I was there with my parents, my father, who needed a
wheelchair, could have seen the falls as well.
- Across Bond Falls Road from the falls is a small outpost
where you can buy souveniers and light refreshments. One
thing I never miss when I am there is a Jilbert's
Mackinac Island Fudge ice cream cone! There is a
campground nearby for those interested.
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Page last updated 11 Oct 2006.
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