Location: Brandywine Creek, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware
Water Source: Brandywine Creek
Flow: Year
Directions: The falls are visible along Brandwine Creek both upstream and downstream from where the creek flows near the city zoo.
Notes: I heard about a waterfall in Wilmington, Delaware, so I asked everyone I could think of about the location (Chamber of Commerce, Department of Tourism, the man on the street, etc). Someone mentioned waterfalls at the zoo, so I went there. The Brandywine Creek flowed along a park where the zoo was located, so I walked upstream and asked someone about waterfalls and was told to continue upstream a little.
The first two photos are of falls upstream from the zoo--the first is of water across the creek flowing into the creek and the second is of the creek itself. Then I walked downstream and the next photo is along there. I wasn't sure these would qualify as actual waterfalls--they all appear to be manmade dams across the creek or culverts flowing into the creek. So I took the 4th photo of small rapids in the creek. Then as I was driving away a flash of white water caught my eye; it was the last photo near the intersection of 16th Street and S. Park Drive.
See also Rockland Falls, another waterfall I found in Wilmington on the Brandywine Creek
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Page last updated 17 Mar 2006.
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