Cascade Falls
- County:
- Ontonagon
- Water Source:
- Cascade Creek
- Drop:
- 20 foot descent with 5 foot drop
- Location:
- 7 miles northeast of
- Directions:
- Go east of Bergland 1.2
miles on M-28 to USFS-400. Take USFS-400 north
for about 7 miles to the "Cascade
Falls" sign. Turn right to the parking area
about .3 miles down the road.
- Trail:
- The trail is marked from
the parking area. You can take either trail when
you reach a Y - the upper trail is a little
longer - I took the lower trail. The trail is
about 1 mile.
- Other Photo:
Here is another photo showing both the lower
falls and the rocky outcrop.
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Page last updated 28 Dec 2000.
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