Along the tour of the fjords around Osteroy we came to a town called Mo. As we approached this town there were several waterfalls falling down the hugh cliffs into the water. One of them was Kvernhusfossen, which was only about a half mile from Mo, so we walked to the base of the falls and climbed on the rocks to get a closer view. The falls are very high - around 500-750 m. Here are some pictures of Kvernhusfossen. You may click on the thumbnails to see a larger version of the photos.
Here is a view of Mo
with the waterfall in the background as we approached along the
fjord. It looks like a ribbon coming down the side of the cliffs.
As we arrived in Mo the
waterfall is getting bigger. However, as we neared, the top
portions of the falls were lost to view, so it didn't look as
high as it actually was.
Once we were off the
boat, we walked toward the falls. Here I stopped in a small
churchyard and could see the waterfall through the old
Hear's a view closer to
the falls.
Here's another view from
the rocks below the falls.
And another view. As you
can see, it was not just a narrow ribbon of water that fell, but
a broad band of falls.
Here are two more waterfall photos I took along the fjord trip. I'm not sure where they were taken.
You can see this
waterfall about two-thirds down the hills just in front of the
boat. I don't know where we were when we saw this one.
After visiting Kvernhusfossens, we were sitting in Mo having coffee and cake at an outdoor table along the shore. I could hear another smaller waterfall to the left of town. I looked carefully at the cliffs in that direction, and I could see some water flowing down the cliffs. That was Bersåna. I tried to take a picture of it, but it doesn't really show up in the picture. There was another smaller falls to the right of Bersåna.
Page last updated 28 Dec 2000.
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