Powder Horn Falls
- Water Source
- Powder Mill Creek
- Location
- 2 Miles northwest of Bessemer
- Size
- 12 foot upper drop, and 30 foot lower drop
- Directions
- Take US-2 west of Bessemer until just after it crosses
Powder Mill Creek, then turn north (right) onto Powder
Horn Road and go about 2 miles to an Inn just before a
ski area (Powder Horn Road turns to the left at this
point). Park on the right side of the road just before
the inn, then walk back down Powder Horn Road to the
second utility pole south of the inn.
- Trail
- Near the pole is a well-traveled path for about 250 yards
to the top of the falls - use caution.
- Other Information
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Page last updated 28 Dec 2000.
Email comments to dmmaki@MichelesWorld.net