Manakiki Falls
- County
- Gogebic
- Water Source
- Maple Creek
- Location
- 11 miles northeast of Bessemer
- Size
- 25 foot drop
- Directions
- Go north on Co. Rd. 513 from US-2 in Bessemer for about
13.5 miles (about 1/5 mile past the Potawatomi/Gorge
Falls parking area) to a gravel road. Take the gravel
road to the left (west) for about 3 miles to a bridge
over Maple Creek. Cross the bridge, make a U turn, and
park near the bridge.
- Trail
- Follow the west bank (right side) for about 1/4 mile
upstream to the falls There is no clearly marked trail,
but it is easy to follow the bank.
- Other Information
- It was hard to get a photo of the main falls. This photo
is of a rush of water below the falls, taken from the
bridge over Maple Creek. Upstream where the main falls
are, the bank overhung the creek, so I couldn't get a
clear view of the falls.
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Page last updated 28 Dec 2000.
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