Chippewa Falls is off Highway 17 at the Chippewa River (Harmony Bay). There was a roadside park there with a trail to the falls to the left of the parking lot. The first photo is taken from a point up the trail looking at the top portion of the falls. The second photo is looking down toward some people fishing below the falls. I then climbed down the rocks to near where they were fishing, and took the rest of the photos, the third from part way down and the last two from the bottom of the falls. The rocks were very interesting. There was pink crystal above, but below it was a black rock that looked like a lava flow. The difference in the rocks is especially visible in the second photo.
The song "Waterfall Waltz" was composed and recorded by Will Bush ( ) for use on my waterfall pages. Thanks Will!
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Page last updated 27 Dec 2000.
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