Little Lulu Fanzine

The HoLLywood Eclectern

There is a Little Lulu fanzine, The HoLLywood Eclectern, produced several times a year by Ed Buchman. It is wonderful!! It's full of interesting articles about Little Lulu, her creators, and other related topics; color photos of Little Lulu memorabilia; letters from fans; and information about Lulu-related items wanted or for sale. It has been in existence since 1992 and currently goes out to about 400 Little Lulu fans all over the world. Ed states on the newsletter: "The HoLLywood Eclectern is distributed free of charge. To get on the regular mailing list, simply let me know. No paid advertising. Offers to buy or sell items are published as news items or letters, for informational purposes only." Just write to The HoLLywood Eclectern, c/o Ed Buchman, P.O. Box 4215, Fullerton, CA, 92834, U.S.A.

The Stanley Steamer

There was a previous Little Lulu fanzine, The Stanley Steamer, produced every two months from 1982 to 1992 by Jon Merrill. That also was great, full of information about Little Lulu and her creators as well as letters from fans, etc. Back copies of that are available for $2.00 each. You can contact Jon by E-mail: to order them. Check Jon's Little Lulu web site for an article about the first 10 issues of Little Lulu comics and his Little Lulu Comic Index.






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  Page last updated 18 Feb 2005.
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