Sporting Frog Postcards
Here are some Finnish sporting frog (Hulivili) postcards, which are 10 years old. I received them from Jyri Vilpo, a frog fan in Finland. They are published by the Union for school children's physical exercise (Koululiikuntaliitto) as follows (click on the thumbnails to see a larger version):
1 Order form (not valid
any more, adress is changed and cards are sold out)
2 Good luck (Onnea)
3 Ice hockey
4 Basketball
5 Football
6 Cross country skiing
7 Orienteering
Other postcards that I do not have include:
8 Volleyball
9 Swimming
10 Finnish baseball
11 Athletics
Jyri is looking for orienteering postcards to include in a catalog of orienteering postcards. If you have any information about orienteering postcards that you could share with me, please contact me through the e-mail address below and I will forward it to Jyri, or you may contact Jyri directly. See his message to me below:.
"I am interested in orienteering postcards. I have a
catalogue where is more than
600 cards, from which only 33 are from USA. I am interested in
getting more
information of orienteering postcards from your country to add
them in the next
issue of the catalogue.
"I would like to order all orienteering postcards. Postcard
is an O-postcard when
the subject, picture, name of the publisher or artist deal with
"If there is somebody who knows more about orienteering
postcards, please submit
my name and adress or send me adresses so that I can write
straight to them and
ask more information about orienteering postcards.
"I am also interested in postcards which are dealing with
"Sincerely yours Jyri Vilpo
phone 358-3-222 1442
fax 358-3-219 6636
Page last updated 01 Feb 2003.
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