How Do You Say FROG?
To read the page with Estonian translation go to
Hi,languages from I have some translations in a few languages... Woiwurrung & Bunwurrung (neighbouring Aboriginal Melbourne, Australia)... growling grass frog = nagarrert Regards, Serena :)
In Afrikaans frog/toad is called padda. (Afrikaans is one of the languages of the country of South Africa. Its a development of Dutch, as spoken by the Dutch Boers (farmers) who colonized lots of South Africa before the English got there. Adam Armstrong)
Hi, I am Algerian. Frog is said "j'rana" Yamina
I am american and i say "frog" and "toad".
I live in America and speak English, but
I also speak Cajun-French, which is spoken in the state of
We have two ways to say 'frog' in Cajun-French.
For frog, we say crapaud, which is pronounced crah-po.
We also call a frog a ouaouaron, which is pronounced wad-ah-ronh. Ouaouaron also
means 'ribbit' in Cajun-French.
Correction to your frog page....
In Cajun (acadian) American a "crapaud" is really the term for a TOAD not a FROG.
Frog is "grenouille" as in French Canada.
In Belgium also in Antwerpen we say to a frog een kikker.
Arabic: Difda'
Bye Dan, Ran and Ronen
In Classical Aramaic, Frog is `urdana. Classical Syriac (the Aramaic
language of the Syrian Church) also knows the words yaqrure, and
some Aramaic dialects (Classical Syriac and Jewish Babylonian
Aramaic) have the lovely onomatopaeic word 'aqruqe,
'aqruqta. This word has also entered
some Arabic dialects as 'aqurruq.
Nine pages of an article by the great Semitic languages scholar
Immanuel Loew were dedicated to the subject: "Aramaeische
Lurchnamen (Frosch und Salamander), in Florilegium Melchior de
Best wishes,
Matthew Morgenstern,
I'm Natalia. In my country Argentina frog is rana. But sapo is not the same thing.
>Here's the translation for frog: KORD,
>and for toad: TO' TOSH.
Hi, my name is Anton. I am from Aruba, and my native language is Papiamento. In Papiamento a frog is called a dori (spelled doh-ree), and a toad is called a sapo. Greetings from Aruba.
An addition for your say frog page, in Australia we say
"frog and toad" as rhyming slang for "road".
e.g. "hit the frog and toad" means "to get
going". The origins of rhyming slang are Cockney, a British
"dialect" of the working class. BTW, we don't use this
sort of slang all the time! Mostly we just use regular
English. :-)
In Australia we do say 'frog' for frog however, for toad, we say "another
government-introduced pain in the arse" or "practice
for the 3-wood".
Subject: frog and toad
I live in Australia and we say "Frog" and "Toad"
and it is the same with any other English speaking country
Frog and toad are "Frosch"
and "Kr�te" in German -
the languagae spoken in Austria, where I live!
In Germany (Austria and
Switzerlan) people say Frosch .
Barbara - a frog fan
Hi my name is Lala I'm from Azerbaijan, and in azeri aka
azerbaijani it's ''gurbaga''
Greetz from Baku (Capital of Azerbaijan)!
Balinese: "DONGKANG"
Hello, interesting page by the
way. I was searching for the reason why in Guyana,
South America and in Barbados we refer to a frog or toad as a
"crapo" and now I know. I suppose now you
have two more countries to add to your website. Thanks
for the education on frogs or "crapos" that
is. :-)
Respecfully yours,
In Basque, the frog is called "igel"
among others words. The toad is "apo"
congratulations for your site carol
In the north of Belgium and the Netherlands a frog is called: KIKKER or KIKVORS in dialect (Flemish) we call it: PUID or PUDDE a toad is calles: PAD in dialect (Flemish): PADDE Sincerely your's, Mich�le from Ostend-Belgium
In Belgium also in Antwerpen we say to a frog een kikker.
frog = "kikker" toad =
Evie Lefevere Belgium
(Belgium) in poems or in Old Dutch, frog is sometimes called
Frog in Dutch means 'kikker'. The word
toad means 'pad'. I live in
Belgium, and sometimes we call a frog a 'kikkerken'.
Cath :)
Hello. In south part of Belgium, we speak French like in France. So for us, �Frog� is �Grenouille� and �Toad� is �crapaud�. In some Belgian dialects, �Frog� is sometimes called �Rainette� or �Ranette�. 'Froggly' congratulations ! JC Montagne.
Hi Michele!
In my home town Fortaleza/ Brazil we call
the little frogs (toads) "PERERECAS" and the big ones "CURURUS".
Izabel (frog lover)
Well, in my country (Brazil) we say SAPO. S-A-P-O!!!!!
Many kisses, Suzana Vilhena
Hi, my name is Fernanda Cherto,
I am 10 years old and I am using my dad's computer.
In Brazil we call a frog a "sapo". And a toad would be a "r�" (yes, with
that little "snake-like" signal on top of the letter
How is in portuguese?
Toad=Sapo ( Actually, Cururu, is the name of a special breed of toads)
Tree frog=Perereca ( usually very slim )
Here we have many ways to say sapo, cause
there's a lot of types...but frog meaning it's SAPO.
Kisses... Dri
There seams to be a little confusion in the brazilian way to say frog. In fact we have 3 ways of saying it. Tree frogs are called Perereca; toads are called Sapos (the most common Sapo cururu -a reference to the way they "sing"); and all frogs who live in the water are named R�.
My name is Adrian and I work with frogs down here in Brazil.
Hello, I was just looking at your website and thought I'd tell you that in England and well all of Britian we also just say frog and toad. From Haley
Bulgaria: in Bulgarian frog is called zhaba (ZHA-ba) (same Cryllic spelling as Russian)
Hi, I have some translations in a few languages... Woiwurrung & Bunwurrung (neighbouring Aboriginal languages from Melbourne, Australia)... growling grass frog = nagarrert Regards, Serena :)
Cambodia: In Cambodian frog is called gong-gaip
I live in Canada
and we don't say "frog" we say "rania" (ren-ya) which is
derived from the Spanish for frog. For toad we say "toad" (that's Coastal BC so it
may vary in other parts of the country because I live in a very
spanish culture influenced area)
God bless! ~Heather
I live in northern Ontario and am
French Canadian. A frog is
grenouille", a bullfrog
is "un
ouaouaron" and a toad is "un crapaud".
Hi, in Canada we call them frog and toad. But in Quebec they call frogs granouilles. Matt
My name is Blair Stannard. I come from Ottawa, the capital of
Canada. Since Canada has two
official languages, English and French, we have two ways to say
frog in Canada.
The English one you know.
In French, we say "grenouille"
for frog. In this case, the l's are silent, so the word is
pronounced "gren-ou-eeeee".
The double-l is . . . pronounced as a "y", so grenouille sounds like gre-nou-yeeee (with the e sounding like euuuuuuu!)... Marie-Mich�le
In Cantonese, we say 'toad' this way; "Tin-Guy." It means 'field chicken.' By (Steve Wong)
I live in Canada and I know a way to speak frog in Cantonese.
pronounced "ching wah"
I am Pere Roman� and am Catalan, from Catalunya (Catalonia in
In Spanish frog is "rana",
in Catalan "granota", in
French "grenouille".
That's what I know.
In Catalan frog is called granota and toad is called gripau
Subject: catalan frog!
hello! i'm catalana, and we say "granota", for a
catalan frog!
montserrat berges
Hi, I'm Wang Yuan from Beijing, China.
In China, we call frog "Qing Wa", which can be pronouced as "ching
wa". It has two characters.
Well I am Coast Salish and in my language we call Frog "WEXES" BUT this is the saanich language which is called SENCOTEN .
Hi, I have some translations in a few languages... Cornish (Kernewek) ... frog = kwilkyn (plural: kwilkynyow) toad = kroenek (plural: kroenogow) or lyfans (plural: lyfanses) Regards, Serena :)
My name is Andrina Cvitas-Penzar. I come from Zagreb, the capitol of Croatia - country on the Adriatic sea (part of the Mediteranian sea) in Europe. Currently, I live in Rochester, MN.
In Croatian we say "zaba" for frog. "Z" is pronounced as "s" in "treasure".
The Czech for FROG is �Z�ABA; 'TOAD' is 'ROPUCHA'. The word '�Z�ABA' is also used for a pre-teenage and young teenage girl. Good luck! Marta
My mother told me the word for frog in
pronounced as zhaba. However, that is the Czech she learned from
her mother who came to the USA around 1910. An English-Czech
dictionary lists "zaba"
for frog.
I see you already have the Danish word for frog and toad, but
the word for toad is misspelled. It should be "tudse" and not "tusse".
Regards, Henrik Bjerres�
Hi my name is Frogman I am
from Denmark...
So I just saw your nice page and here is how we say frog=fr� toad= tusse
Subject: Danish frog
In Danish it's frog fro
Subject: How we says like frogs in danish
This is how we do:
KV�K- KV�K..
KV�K- KV�K..
KV�K- KV�K..
KV�K- KV�K...
to say the name ...
Frog = Fr�... last letter � is
like oe
In deutschland-m.gladbach und umgebung heisst der frosch "Kickelter"
In the Dominican Republic we say sapo (sah-poh) for frog or rana (rah-nah); for toad we say maco ( mah-coh)
As you know already we call a frog in the Netherlands Kikker or Kikvors. The Dutch language contains many proverbs and sayings about frogs and toads. Kind regards from Holland (we very often say Kikkerland -Frogcountry, and frogs are usually named Farmer's Nightingales). Bart
From Tim
In Dutch
Frog = "kikker" Toad = "pad"
In England we call a frog "frog"
and a toad "toad".
Frogs tend to say "Ribbit-Ribbit".
Hope that's a help.
I'm English an we say frog, but we don't say toad often. Phil
Around the world, the six million speakers of
Esperanto (the Universal language) have the word 'ran' (raahn)
meaning frog. When it is a noun you have 'rano' when it is an
adjective (I guess "froggy") it is 'rana.' And the verb
"to frog" if such a thing exsisted would be 'rani.' A
big frog is called 'ranego' and a little frog is called 'raneto.'
A feminine frog is called 'ranino.' And the word for the
ever-important "frog-man" would be 'ranulo.' Enjoy
-Eden Golshani
In Estonian the frog is konn and toad is k�rnkonn. Greetings, Piret
To read the page with Estonian translation go to
Ethiopia: In Ethiopian frog is called enkurarit
I have to add something to the 'finnish section'. Frog = 'sammakko' Toad = 'rupikonna'
or informal 'ruppari'
Kristina from Finland
"Frog" is sammakko in Finnish.
@nu from Helsinki, Finland
Hello! Frog is SAMMAKKO in Finnish.
Greetings from Finland
"Frog in Finish is "sammakko".
Jyri Vilpo
In Finland, we also say "groda", which
is the Swedish translation for
My name is Peter Depuydt and my last name means frog in Flemisch (Belgium).
Hi Michele, I'm from Toulouse, South-Western France, in addition to French, the official language, we speak local forms of Occitan which fall into two distinct classes of dialect in the Toulouse region (gascon and lengadocian). Occitan is much related to Catalan/Valencian. The Occitan name of Toulouse is Tolosa. Toad is "grapaut", frog is "graulha". Regards G�rard
My collegue Michele tells me that in France, to say frog, we say grenouille or crapaud (say crapo), she was very happy to see that so much people are interested in crapaud because she's fond of it. goodbye.
I say Frog in Fra~nce life this
Frog ~toads
In France we say "Grenouille "
for Frog [grenuj]
the plural grenouilles is pronounced the same !
Toad will be : "Crapaud" [krapo]
the plural crapauds is also pronounced the same !
Here is how to say some frog related words in French from Kermit the Frog as told to Robert P. Riger on page 28 in the chapter "French for Frogs" in the book One Frog Can Make a Difference: Kermit's Guide to Life in the '90s:
la grenouille: frog
le crapaud:
le t�tard: tadpole
ribbette: ribbit, ribbit
(A friend just sent me a copy of this
wonderful book, and I couldn't resist adding these pictures to
this page. :-) )
You must not speak cajun french too well. I have spoken the
language all my life and what you are calling a frog in french , crapaud, is a toad. You, sir are
bastardizing the laguage. Ask anyone who speaks french that is in
the age range of 70 to 80 years of age and they will tell you
that a crapaud is a toad. Never the twain shall meet. Down
here in Pierre Part we would call you a couyon.
In Frisia (=Frysla^n/Friesland, a province of
the Netherlands with its own official second language) we say (In
Westerlauwer Frisian) kikkert (frog) and podde (toad).
Henno Brandsma
In Germany (Austria and
Switzerlan) people say Frosch .
Barbara - a frog fan
The German word for "frog" is "Frosch". "Unke"
is the toad.
Greetings, Julia
Subject how we say frog in German
Hey, my name is "Froeschle", which means "little frog" in English.
The German word for "frog" is "Frosch". For "toad", it's
"Kroete" (with the umlaut
"o in the middle instead of "oe",
something I cannot produce with this mail composer). (Ed: "Kr�te")
Subject: names in germany
Hi, my name is Thomas Frosch, some
people call me "frogger" or "lefrog" CU,
My name is Gerd and I'm from Saxe-Anhalt in Germany. In
Saxe-Anhalt and Saxe we also call a frog "Gegger".
My word for frog is "Frosch"
I live in Germany.
Juliane C.
Here is a frog fan from Bayreuth
In Germany we say "Frosch".
See you ...
In Germany we say Frosch
I'm an American, but I've traveled to Gremany, and this is how they say frog.....frosh toad.....unke
Guten taq! Im from Hamburg, Germany and I say Frosch (frog) and Kroete (toad) - Deanna Catalina ~ major frog lover
Well the word frog in Greek is: "vatrahos" (the
letter "h" sounds like the "h" in the word
"happy". Maybe we could write it in another way:
Frog in Marathi And Gujrathi
Hello, I am pavitra. You call a
FROG "BEDUK" in Marathi. You call a FROG "DEDUKU" in Gujrathi. Cheers.
Hello, interesting page by the
way. I was searching for the reason why in Guyana,
South America and in Barbados we refer to a frog or toad as a
"crapo" and now I know. I suppose now you
have two more countries to add to your website. Thanks
for the education on frogs or "crapos" that
is. :-)
Respecfully yours,
Hi how are you?! Alllllllloha! ohh, the
weather is fine it's great! Your grandma wants to know how to say
frog in Hawaiian well it is Poloka which means frog or toad.
Lindsey and a Ms. Phillipe's class
Subject: frog
In Hungarian Toad is "beka". Since my name is Rebecca, and I adopted Beka as a nickname long ago, my husband (at the time my boyfriend) who is part hungarian made it quite clear that I had adopted a froggish name. His brother takes great joy on the holiday of passover by calling me the Hebrew word for frog Tzfardiah, which was one of the ten plagues. Beka Schwarzmer
Frog In Hindi
Hi, I
am Pavitra. In Hindi
you call a "frog" Mandek .
Have a nice day.
Hi, I have some translations in a few languages... Hindi & Urdu... frog = medhak (squiggly line over the e, dot under the d) Regards, Serena :)
I live in Holland. In Dutch, It's called "kikker".
your fan
My name is Annelies van den Bergh, I
live in Huizen. That's a village near Amsterdam.
In Dutch we say 'kikker' for frog.
Subject: frog names
While I am an anglo, I had the good fortune to work with a Hopi
man recently and he told me that the Hopi word for frog is Paakwa [pahkwah].
The double a is pronounced 'long', giving the first syllable the
Stephen Nycz
Picture Rocks, Arizona
You say frog as......bie. But you say
it, going down in the middle, , because it could mean something else if
you say it otherwise!
katie (froggy)
In Hungarian Toad is "beka". Since my name is Rebecca, and I adopted Beka as a nickname long ago, my husband (at the time my boyfriend) who is part Hungarian made it quite clear that I had adopted a froggish name. Beka Schwarzmer
Hy, my name is Janos Foldesi. I'm living
in Budapest, Hungary.
We use the word "b�ka" for the frog and the word "varangy" for
the toad.
In Hungarian frog is "beka" (name is Irene)
Hongary: Beca
Bye Dan, Ran and Ronen.
The Icelandic word for frog is froskur
No frogs live in Iceland (apart from a few that live in captivity
at the University, and provide biology students with eggs and
Kolla Kolbeinsdottir
From "WASOO"
In India, in Kerala, frog is known as "makiri".
In the state of Madras frogs are known as 'Tavalai' . It is a
Tamil version.
Hai, I'm Mohammed Anjum Sadiq from India and I usally speak Urdu language and in Urdu u say frog (mainduck)
I'm a Canadian-Indonesian that
lives in Canada. Another word for frog in Indonesian is KATAK
BETUNG type of
frog that can swell itself
KATAK KUAK big horned
is for toad or BANGKONG
Indonesian: "KODOK"
Hi, My name is Al-Gaddid. I'm Master student and Lecturer in Dept. of Maths. Ali is my friend and he is from Iraq, he is Master student in Maths. (with me). He told me that they say "Frog" like this "A'groog".
A chara,
My name is Fiach from Donegal, Ireland, and I can tell you that
the Irish for frog is losc�n.
Shalom, that's 'hi' in Hebrew.
I'm yaara from ISRAEL and in hebrew we say frog
like this: " zefardea'a "
and toad like this: "karpada "
Here in Israel we say "TSFARDEA" for
a frog.
Wrote by the YELLOWFROG from the "palhod-shimshon"
Hello!! My name is Hadas and I'm from
In Hebrew we say
frog - tzfardeya -�����
told - karpada - ����
So - bye bye!!! HADAS
In Israel, Hebrew and Arabic are
official languages.
In Hebrew, frog is tzfardeyah and toad is karpadah.
Sorry I do not know any Arabic!!!!
Eve Mangurten
In hebrew (Israel) you say "tsfardea" !!!
My name is Gidi. I live in Israel. We say frog as chfardea.
Hello, my name is Francesca. Another word for frog In Italian is "ranocchia". Bye and congratulations for your web site!!! Francesca
Hi, my name is Simona. I live in Italy. In my
country we call a frog "RANE" and a toad "ROSPI".
From "Gori"
FROG is in Italian RANA
From Paolo Perotti
In Italy we say "rana"
The italian word for FROG is RANA, and ROSPO means TOAD.
Fabio Castellarin
In Italian the word for 'frog' is RANA, and for
'toad' ROSPO
M. Beltrami
Hi my name is Thalassan and I live in Neyagawa, Japan.
In Japanese they say "kaeru"
(KAH EH ROO) for frog (this can also mean "to change"
or "to go home", though). Toad is "gama", and tree frog is "amagaeru", which is made up of the
symbols for "rain" and "frog"
Subject: Frog in Japan
I'm not from Japan, but I do know how they say it. kaeru = frog.
Thought you might like to know that. *smile*
feelin' froggie
Subject: KAERU=frog from Japan
You are right.We call them KAERU or KAERU-SAN. (SAN is usually used as
I call you dmmaki-san (=mr.dmmaki) or you call me shimizu san)
This image of "frog" in Japanese was sent by Alex McGilvery.
Subject: frog in J�rriais
The word for "frog" in J�rriais, the Jersey language
is ra�notte. It's la ra�notte (feminine). "Toad" is crapaud (the same
as in French) and it's masculine l� crapaud. The people of
Jersey call ourselves "crapauds" as the toad is our
national animal.
Geraint Jennings
In Kenya we speak Swahili, frog is chura.
Hi, I'm Kip from Kenya. Frog in my native language kipsigis is 'mororochet' while in Swahili is 'chura'. Thanks
Hi! You say 'Frog' In Korean like Gae Goo Lee. It looks like this.
Latin: Rana
Bye Dan, Ran and Ronen
Hello! I saw you have the Latin for "frog" (rana) but not the Latin for
"toad." well, the Latin for toad is "bufo." and I should know!
sincerely, semper bufo!
The word "frog" in Latvian is "varde." Vera
Subject: Frogology
Hi there!
In Liechtenstein we say: FROSCH
Hi Michele! My grandpa is LITHUANIAN. In Lithuania "frog" is "varle" - prounounced VAHR' lyeh and "toad" is "rupuze" - prounounced RU' pu zhyeh. From, Molly
Hi, I am Nicole Klein from Luxembourg and I would like to tell
you that we in Luxembourg say "fresch"
for the frog and "mouk"
for the toad.
Take care, bye, bye Nicole
Hi, I'm from African's Arab (Libya). My name is Al-gaddid, and in my country we say Frog like this " Jrana".
In Libyan Arabic a frog is called "jarana."
Susan E. Benson
In Maine we call frogs froggies.
Inland Malay: "KATAK"
Archipelagic Malay (Natuna Island): "KUNGKUNG"
I'm from Malaysia. In Malaysia the Malay called frog = "katak"; toad
= "kodok"; tadpole = "berudu"
Since Malaysia is a Multiracial country
there are a few languages to say
In Bahasa Malaysia is = "Katak"
In Mandrin is = "Qing Wa"
In Cantonese's dialect is = "Cheng
In Hokkien's dialect is = "Kappo" pronounce as "Cup-po"
my friend just open the the frog farm
in malyasia. in malaysia they call "katak"
in tamil "thavalay"
Frog in Marathi And Gujrathi
Hello, I am pavitra. You call a
FROG "BEDUK" in Marathi. You call a FROG "DEDUKU" in Gujrathi. Cheers.
From: "Solcom"
In mexico you say rana for toad and sapo for frog.
Hi, my name is Vanessa Esquivel and I live in Chihuahua, Mexico. I would like to say how we say "frog" in Mexico. "Frog" means rana but this word is the female of "Toad" because "toad" means sapo so it is the male word.
No one has mentioned middle earth-- frog is cabor in sindarin (grey elven) and carpo in quenya (High elven-- the ancient language)
Hi frog lover,
And here's how to say "frog" in Mongolian: melhii. The sound "mongolian
frogs" make is "Vaag-vaag".
For your language page, if you want it.
Froggily yours, Ariunaa
Hi, I'm Libyan and have a lot friends from Morroco and they told me that(more than one) they say "Frog" like this "Jrana" NOT "Z'rana" as in your homepage.
Morocan: z'rana
Bye Dan, Ran and Ronen
Hi. I've got data on "frog"
from numerous Native American languages (most that
I know of had a number of words for different frogs and toads,
but many were
lost due to language obsolescence and the lack of written
Interestingly, most appear to be sound-symbolic, with smaller
pond frogs
having something like *wark as an underlying form (many
ovbviously have
undergone historical changes). Compare the /w/ of *wark with f,
/r/ with r,
and /k/ with g, and you can see that "frog" was
probably also sound-symbolic
in origin. Treefrogs are something like *wek, with reduplication
Obviously a diminutive of *wark. Bullfrogs are less easily lumped
for their
nomenclature, probably since the booming call is less easily
phonemicized, but
low back vowels seem pretty common.
Jess Tauber
Hi, I have some translations in a few languages... Nepalese... frog = bhyaguto Regards, Serena :)
In the north of Belgium and the Netherlands a frog is called: KIKKER or KIKVORS in dialect (Flemish) we call it: PUID or PUDDE a toad is calles: PAD in dialect (Flemish): PADDE Sincerely your's, Mich�le from Ostend-Belgium
As you know already we call a frog in the Netherlands Kikker or Kikvors. The Dutch language contains many proverbs and sayings about frogs and toads; if you are interested I can send you some. I hereby enclose some pictures of frogs in the pond in our garden; if you want to, you may publish them (no charges). Kind regards from Holland (we very often say Kikkerland -Frogcountry, and frogs are usually named Farmer's Nightingales), Bart van Oijen
Subject: Toad in the Netherlands
Hi, The Dutch word for toad is "PAD"
Jos van Uden
In The Netherlands the name for
a frog is "kikker" en general.
Greetings Jean Herberghs.
We just say KIKKER in the Netherlands, greetings, Gert
Hi I am from Papua New Guinea, a country with more than 700 dialects. We speak Pidgin English as a common language. In Pidgin English Frog is known as "Rokrok" In my native tongue Frog is called "Balele"
In New Zealand we say "frog" or "froget" for girls. hehe , Carol
Hi am Salamat am from Nigeria and I work with frogs for healing. Nigeria has many names for the frogs, but in side of the conutry, its called kuwadoo. Greets Salamat Babagi living in Belgium
My name is faco, iyakari estate lagos nigera,what we called Frog here in netive languge is "AWOLI"
In some dialects in southern Norway, a word used for frog is "trausk"
Hi,I'm half American half Norwegian. But I live in Norway. Frog in norwegian is frosk, and toad is padde, and they say "kvekk, kvekk". Kos og klem Nora = Hugs and hugs from Nora (kos and klem is to ways of saying hug...but it means slightly different things...)
I actually live in France but have a Norwegian friend
who says that frog there is "frosk"
and toad is "padde".
I hope this helps, Martin
In Norway we say "frosk". A toad
is "padde"
As for the frogs themselves, they say "kvekk"...!!
Froggily yours, Andy, Tromso
This isn't a real language but, I
read it somewhere: FOP-ROP-O-GOP. To learn how to speak
OP-Talk just spell out the word and after every consanant
add the word OP and for a vowel just say the letter.
hugs&kisses Lauren
Osage is an aboriginal American tribe [and language]. They occupied Missouri and the surrounding areas before the European settlers arrived. Unfortunately, the language is almost extinct.
"x" in Osage writing is pronounced like a rough
"gh"/"kh", as the "ch" in the
Scottish "loch". "t" with a dot under it is
pronounced between a "t" and a "d".
"p" with a dot under it is pronounced between a
"p" and a "b".
(Here are the pronunciations for the words in Osage.)frog tse�biuka DSAY-bee-oo-gah
baby frog tse�biuka zhin�ga (lit.
"little frog") DSAY-bee-oo-gah ZHEEN-gah
bullfrog tse�biuka ton�ga (lit.
"big frog") DSAY-bee-oo-gah DOHN-gah
green frog tse�biuka to�ho (lit.
"green frog") DSAY-bee-oo-gah DOH-ho
grey frog tse�biuka xo�dse (lit.
"grey frog") DSAY-bee-oo-gah GHODE-say
striped-headed frog (lit. "striped-headed frog") tse�biuka pa gthe�e� DSAY-bee-oo-gah
pah gthey-THAY
toad nizhu�axage (lit. "cries
for rain") nee-ZHOO-ah-GHAH-gay
horned toad gaxtho�e gagh-THOUGH-ay
tadpole hopa�nidse (lit.
"fish-headed with a haunched body") ho-BAH-need-say
In Urdu, which is National language of Pakistan, Frog is MainDuck. Aliabbas.
My name is Mardjan, in my language which is persian, frog is ghurbaghe (prononce the same)
We, the Filipinos, called frog as..."PALAKA"!
In the philippines in Tagalog it is "palaka", in Cebuano it is "baki".
Yes, the Tagalog of frog is "palaka".
On Mindanao, we say "baki" which is the Bisayan word for frog. Here in
the Philippines there are many dialects, and so, I'm sure, many
ways to say frog!
Thanks, Amy
Greetings from the Philippines! I just want to add more on how we
call frog in the Philippines...
We call frogs as "palaka". We call tadpoles as "butete".
Kermit447 of Pocketbell
HI! In the Philippines, we say PALAKA.
Hi, I have some translations in a few languages... Pig Latin = ogfray Regards, Serena :)
In pig latin frog is rogfa.
Always loving frogs,
In Plattdeutsch (low German), frog is Pogge.
My name in Plattdeutsch is Poggem�ller.
Vangie Poggemiller, ESL Instructor
In Poland aba
Barbara - a frog fan
We in Poland have a word "Zaba" (pron.
zhaba) for a frog and "Ropucha"
(pron. ropooha) for a toad.
Like has been said:
And the tree (or bush) frog, which is called "Perereca" in Brazilian Portuguese, is
called "Rela" in Portugal.
It is called "Ranita" in
Cheers Israel
In Portuguese we call frog = "r�"*;
toad = "sapo"; tadpole =
"girino" *the tilde makes
it nasal
A. Lopes
Here's how we say both frog and toad.
It's quite similar to the spanish words:
frog - ra
toad - sapo
Sergio Azenha
Frog in portuguese can be either sapo or ra ... sapos are
the big ones..ras are the smaller ones.
How is in portuguese?
Toad=Sapo ( Actually, Cururu, is the name of a special breed of toads)
Tree frog=Perereca ( usually very slim )
Hi! My name is Kathy. My husband is a
Potowatomi Indian (native american). In his language the word for
frog is mukcako.It is pronounced mook-(as in look)-cha-ko.
(thank you)
In Puerto Rico we say Coqi, pronounced
Ko-kee. That is the sound the little green frog makes, Coqi,
coqi, coqi!
The Romanian word for 'frog' is 'broasc�';
several frogs are 'broaste'.
'Toad' is 'broasc� r�ioas�' or 'broasc� r�ioas�', which has the literal
meaning 'mangy frog' or 'frog with scabies'.
Spelling and pronunciation: '�' should actually be an 'a' with a
little v-shaped hook above it, which sounds very similar to the
English indefinite article 'a' (as in 'a frog'). The 's' in
'broaste' should have a little cedilla underneath it, which turns
it into a 'sh'-sound. The '�' or '�' (with a circumflex accent)
stand for a vowel that is not common in English or other Western
European languages. You can try to produce it by saying a word
like 'food', but spreading your lips as if to say 'feed'.
Romania : for frog we say BROASCA pronounced (brwa-ske)
In Russian it is Zhaba.
Barbara - a frog fan
By the way-in Russian "frog"- "lyagushca" or "zaba"(big frog).
In Russian, frog is said "lyagushka",
which roughly translated means "kicker", as the verb
"lyagat'" means "to kick".
Hope this helps.
Geoff Cooper
I saw that you have 'frog' in Russian, but I can add that 'toad'
is "zhaba".
All the best, Alexei D.
Hey we call frog in the Russlanddeutschen language "Krot", that is a very old language, a mix from german and russian.
I am a first generation Flathead Native. In the Flathead (Salish) Language, the word for frog is tmtama.
I'm from America, but I'm a Scottish Gaelic speaker too. I don't use the same word as Alex from Scotland though--I've never heard that word as far as I know. In my dialect we say LEUMNACHAN.
The Scots Gaelic for frog is craigean, the spawn
is called glothagach.
Alex McGilvery
(This is an image of "frog" in the Scots Gaelic
in Ohgam runes was sent to me by
The Scots-English term for frog is 'puddock'.
Blair Stannard
Hi, my name is Vida. In my language which is serbian, frog is "zhaba" (prononce gaba like french "g")
In Serbian we say aba - is pronounced like the g in camouflage. Toad and frog are the same. Usually just zhaba is used- but we can say aba krastaca for a toad. A frog in Serbian says Krek! Krek!
Singapore's a multi-racial country.
In the Chinese language, we say "Qing (pronounced
"Ching") Hua".
In the Malay language, we say "Katak".
As for Indian/Tamil language.... Errrrr ...... I'm not that
multi-lingual yet!
In Slovakia (Slovak Republic) we say (you use the
same in Czech Republic as well) abka
for a small frog
and aba for a frog a toad is
called Ropucha and is considered to be
very ugly.
Barbara - a frog fan
Hello from Slovenia!
My name is Borut Hafner. I come from Ljubljana, the capital of
In Slovenia, a frog is called "zaba" (pfonetic 'zha:bah).
And sound which a frog makes is "kvak" (pfonetic
In South Africa we say frog in afrikaans one of our official
languages by saying Padda as in paadaa
In South Africa we say "padda" in
From "Johan Visser"
Subject: How to say Frog in Southern
I live in Mississippi and we pronounce the word frog as frawg.
Anjie Price :)
Heah in TEXAS we call um FRAWGS.
Lee Brumm, Garland, TX.
Subject: In my country we say...
"rana" for
"frog" "honguito"
for "toad"
This is Spanish.
Subject: Frog in Spanish
Hi, I've heard Frog said in different ways (depending who you're
talking to). But usually "Rana" is used. "Sapo" on the
other hand is toad.
Chantal :)
Subject: Re: how do you say frog?
in spanish it is >>rana<< pronounced: rah-nah
Hi, I'm Kip from Kenya. Frog in my native language kipsigis is 'mororochet' while in Swahili is 'chura'. Thanks
In Sweden we say GRODA.
I live in the south of Sweden. The official Swedish word for
'frog' is 'groda' and 'toad' is
'padda'. In my local dialect,
however, a frog�s called 'pugga', a
tadpole 'puggep�vling' or 'puggepirling' and mushrooms of any kind
can be referred to as 'puggehattar', literally 'frog hats'.
'Puggehatt' can also be used as a derogatory nickname.
In J�mtland (Northern Sweden), frogs are called 'frosken'.
A strange traditional Swedish song goes as follows: Sm�
grodorna, sm� grodorna �r lustiga att se Ej �ron, ej
�ron, ej svansar hava de Ko-ack-ack-ack, ko-ack-ack-ack
Ko-ack-ack-ack-ack-ka (The little frogs, the
little frogs are a funny sight They don�t have ears, they don�t
have ears, and no tail either Quack-quack etc) This very
popular song�s performed at Midsummer and Christmas, and while
you sing, you squat and jump in a circle, either around the Xmas
tree or the maypole. Dunno what the frogs did to deserve
this. Paul
In sweden is the name of frog is "Groda"
I�m from Sweden.
in my country we say "groda". The Swedish word for toad is "padda"
The Swedish word for frog is "groda".
I saw that you have 'frog' in Swedish now, but I can add that
'toad' is Padda.
Matilda Karlsson
In Germany (Austria and
Switzerlan) people say Frosch .
Barbara - a frog fan
In Switzerland we say "Frosch"
I am Philip from Taiwan.
Do you know how to pronounce "frog" in Taiwan? In fact,
it sounds same as China. We pronounce it as "Chin-Wan".
"Chin" means green and "Wan" is frog. But
there are 2 languages in Taiwan. One is same as China, we call it
Mandarin, the other one is Taiwanese. In Taiwanese we call it
"Zwi-Geng" "Zwi" means water and "Geng"
means chicken. So water chicken means frog in Taiwan. One reason
is that people ate frog in the past year. There is a bmp file
which shows you frog by 2 Chinese characters. I hope you like it.
Hi my name is Sinthya I am from Canada in Tamil version they say tavali.
In Tanzania we call frog "Ekikere". This is Zanaki language. Also we call it "Chura". This is Swahili language.
Thank you
Emmanuel Ngega
Hi, I have some translations in a few languages... Tetun (East Timorese)... frog = manduku Regards, Serena :)
In Thai, toad is called "kang-kok."
In Thai, frog is pronounced "kob."
(phonetically, it's pronounced kohb, with a long "o"
sound). FYI.
Mylon L. Stark
I am only able to share phonetic spelling, but:
'Frog' in Tibetan is pronounced " 'Beba'."
In Trinidad and Tobago (an island in the carribean) you say frog and toad "crapaud"
Subject: Turkish of frog
Turks call frogs " k u
r b a g a " , It is clearly an
Sel�uk Erez , MD. Istanbul
In TURKEY we call it
"""""K U R B A � A
From TURKEY/ Ankara
We are say "kurbaga" in turkey.
I'm from da UK and my mates
everywhere call me either FroggydaFrogster or DaFrogsta There
Thankz ppl
Emma xxx
In The U.S. where I live we say "Frog".
Subject How do I say frog?
The same way you do "Frog"!
By Karissa D
This is how I say frog in my country: Frog. My name is Shannon and I am nine and I live in Georgia.
Hi, I have some translations in a few languages... Hindi & Urdu... frog = medhak (squiggly line over the e, dot under the d) Regards, Serena :)
Hai, I'm Mohammed Anjum Sadiq from India and I usally speak Urdu language and in Urdu u say frog (mainduck)
Please allow me to say that Frog in
the Valencian language is "Granota" and
Toad is "Renoc". I
enclose you some basic information about the Valencian language. I hope
this translation & info will be interesting for close
updates of your web site.
Many thanks for your attention, Joan Pau Merita (Valencia
Collaborator of the PNP, Plataform of the Valencian language
I am from South America in Venezuela, and there
the way we say frog is "rana" the "r"
sounds like a cat purring
from Mel
In Vietnamese, we say: frog: "con �ch" toad: "con c�c" -Michelle-
In Welsh, I believe frog is 'broga', and toad is 'llyffant'! -Ainge Swansea, Wales
The Welsh pronunciation of frog is 'Broga'. Welsh is the language of Wales (Cymru in Welsh), one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom aka Great Britain. It might also be worth noting that in the U.K. 'Frog' is used as a derogatory term for a Frenchmen, the term probably derives from the notion that the French eat frogs legs.
Hi, I have some translations in a few languages... Woiwurrung & Bunwurrung (neighbouring Aboriginal languages from Melbourne, Australia)... growling grass frog = nagarrert Regards, Serena :)
See the International
Frogs page at Frogland for more
Ogham runes were used by the celts. They were carved into
stone or wood. The line down the midde represents the corner
since they are read vertically down a corner of a plinth or
stick. The various runes are also representative of trees, and
are "cast" in order to divine one's future, somewhat
like the i-ching.
Ribbit Alex McGilvery
two official languages of the Autonomous Community are the
Valencian and the Spanish. Everyone has the right to know
and use them."
Article 7.1 of the Statute of Autonomy of the
Valencian Community. Approved by the Spanish Parliament and the
King of Spain, Juan Carlos I, in 1982 and endorsed by the
Spanish Constitution. Valencian
The Article 7.1 of the Statute of the Comunitat Valenciana, which includes the provinces of Alacant, Castello and Valencia, reads:
"The two official languages of the Autonomous Community are the Valencian and the Castilian. Everyone has the right to know and use them."
The old Kingdom of Valencia was set up as an Autonomous Community in 1982, and the Law for the linguistic normalisation of the Valencian language was approved on 23 November, 1983 B.O.E. (Official State Bulletin of Spain) 20, of 20 January, 1984.
Legal and political status: The Statute of Autonomy of the Valencian Community (1982) specifies that the official languages of the region are Valencian and the Spanish. In 1983 a 'Use and Teaching of Valencian Act' was passed to encourage and spread the use of the language.
Idiom: The
valencian is a ibero-romance language spoken in the Valencian
Community, which is located on the Mediterranean coast of Spain.
The Valencian Community has a population of 4 millions of
people. There is three phonetically distinguished dialects:
"Castellonenc or Salat" in the north,
"Alacanti" in the south and Meridional Valencian or
"Apichat" in the center region.
Speakers: Nowadays
the Valencian language is spoken by 2 millions of people in
the Valencian Community and in a small area of the frontier
region of Murcia called "el Carche". The 54.5% of the
Valencian population speaks the Valencian. It is the mother
language of the 39% of the valencians. The 88.2% of the
population understand it, but only the 17.2% reads rightly the
valencian. (Studies of the CIS n� 2228 and 2241, Center of
Sociological Investigations of Spain, Nov-Dec 1996, March-April
Page last updated 09 Jan 2013.
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