Here are more frogs that were sent to me by friends. You may click on the thumbnail to see a larger version of the pictures.
This is a picture that was sent to be by Erica in California. Thanks, Erica!
This is a picture that
was sent to me by Cari Beth. Thanks Cari Beth!
This phonecard was sent
by my friend Jyri from Finland. Thanks Jyri!
Here's another phonecard sent by Jyri from Finland. Thanks
again, Jyri!!
This card was sent by my
friend and former colleague Jerry in California. It is a PopShots
card for the World Wildlife Fund and says on the back:
"FROGS of the rain forest rely mainly on camouflage or venom
excretion to deter predators. Their rain forest habitat is highly
endangered." The card opens to a 90 degree angle (it was
scanned fully opened) and is 3-D. There are 12 (at least) frogs
on it. Can you find them all? Thanks Jerry!
Page last updated 01 Feb 2003.
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