I received 9 more frog postcards from my friend Jyri in Finland. He also translated them into English for me, which I edited a little. Thanks Jyri!!
These are all Carte Blanche Greetings Ltd. Linnapaperi Oy Puh. 014-621035. The first 2 are 1998, the next 4 are 1997, the next 2 are 1996, and the last one is 1995. You may click on the thumbnail to see a larger version of the postcards.
"Siis ilta alkaa shown merkeissä..." - So the evening
begins with a show...
"Jatkuu huurteisella..." -Continues with beer...
"Parit pyörähdykset parketilla..." - Some floor
"Ja sitten vinni, oi vinni!" - And then the wine, oh
the wine!
"Tietysti tulen!" - Of course I will come!
"(Jos välttänättä aluat tarjota!!)" - (If you
really like to treat!!)
onnea!" - Good luck! "Kaikkea hyvää! - Best wishes!
"Sulla on synttärit!" - You're having a birthday
party! "Onnea!" - Good luck! "Älä potki!" -
Dont kick! "Sori!"- Sorry! "Parhaat bileet!"
- Best party! "Hyvä tyyppi!" - Good guy!
että minunlaiseeni ystävään voi aina luotaa!" - You
know, you can always trust a friend like me! "Juhlin aina
syntäriskin tosi perusteellisesti!!" - I always celebrate
your birthday very thoroughly! "Onnea, onnea!" - Good
luck, good luck!"
on aina mennyt jutut putkeen..! Neiti, tuopit!! - We've always
have a mutual understanding..! Waiter, a tankard!"
nyt!" - Listen now! "Olisit vain kertonut totuuden
iästäsi..." - You ought to have told the truth about your
age... "...eihän tuollainen juttu voi mennä läpi!!"
- That kind of story can't be true!! "Paljon Onnea!" -
Good luck!
"Olen sitä mieltä, että et ole yhtään lihonut vuosien
varrella..." - My opinion is, that you have not become
fatter over the years... "lyöt vain joskus tosi pahasti
läskiksi!" - you neglect sometimes! (meaning in Finnish
that you get fatter) "Synttärionnittelut!" - Happy
"Olen hulluna sinuun!" - I am crazy about you!
Mutta vielä voimissaan!" - Green, but still going!
"Kippis ja kulaus! - Kuppis ja kilaus!" - Trink and
click! - Clink and trick! (Turning opposite for example: way and
street - stay and wreet)
See a picture created especially for me by the creator of the Carte Blanche Greetings postcards, along with information about how to contact the company and web page of the artist. Frogs From Friends XVIII
I hope you enjoy my Frog Page and learn something of interest to you. If you have any comments, please send them to my address below.
Page last updated 01 Feb 2003.
Email comments to dmmaki@MichelesWorld.net