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These postcards come from countries other than the USA. Some of them were mailed within that country, some were mailed to the USA, and some were not mailed.
I have other postcards from other countries included in some of the other categories. For example, most of the postcards in the Musical Frog category and some in Series III are from other countries.
Translations were provided by Rose Peters, for which I thank her. If anyone can provide me with additional translation of any of these, I would appreciate it.
"Viva la guerra! Avanti Savoya! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !" This
is an Italian postcard from the WW II era. It was not mailed.
postcard is from Brazil. It was sent September 14, 1904.
"Regen" This postcard is from a "Barometer"
series from Germany. It was sent January 7, 1902. Translation:
"Rain" The weather dial says: Storm, Rain, Changeable,
Beautiful Weather and the arrow is on rain.
"Du ahnst es nicht! Ein aus Dresden ohne Ansicht." This
is a German postcard which was sent July 22, 1899. This is the
oldest postcard I have logged so far. Translation:
"You can't imagine! One from Dresden without an
card is from Japan. It was sent August 6, 1908.
This is
a modern German card. It was not mailed.
'Langssprung mit Abgratschen' XI. Deutsches Turnfest - Frankfurt
a.M. Juli 1908 'Preisturner' "(Sorry I don't have the
correct markings.) This is a German postcard for a gymnastics
festival July, 1908. It was not mailed. Translation:
Long jump with Straddle exits. 11th German Gymnastics Festival in
Frankfurt on the Main."
postcard is from the Netherlands. There is no date on it;
however, it appears to be from the 30's or 40's from the stamp.
"Fables de La Fontaine Les Grenouilles Qui Demandent Un
Roi" This is a French postcard that was not mailed. There is
a poem on the back which I will include below. If anyone can
provide a translation, please email to my address below. Again,
my apologies for not using the correct markings.
Les Grenouilles Qui Demandent Un Roi
Les Grenouilles, se lassant
De l'etat democratique,
Par leurs clameurs firent tant
Que Jupin les soumit au pouvoir monarchique.
Il leur tomba du ciel un roi tout pacifique.
Ce roi fit toutefois un tel bruit en tombant,
Que la gent marecageuse,
Gent fort sotte et fort peureuse,
S'alla cacher sous les caux,
Dans les joncs, dans les roseaux,
Dans les trous du marecage,
Sans oser de longtemps regarder au visage
Celui qu'elles croyaient etre un geant nouveau.
Or c'etait un soliveau,
De qui la gravite fit peur a la premiere
Qui, de le voir s'aventurant,
Osa bien quitter sa taniere.
Elle approcha, mais en tremblant.
Une autre la suivit, une autre en fit autant;
Il en vint une fourmiliere;
Et leur troupe a la fin se rendit familiere
Jusqu'a sauter sur l'epaule du roi.
Le bon sire le souffre, et se tient toujours coi.
Jupin en a bientot la cervelle rompue:
"Donnez-nous, dit ce peuple, un roi qui se remue!"
Le monarque des dieux leur envoie une grue,
Qui les croque, qui les tue,
Qui les gobe a son plaisir;
Et grenouilles de se plaindre.
Et Jupin de leur dire: "Eh quio! votre desir
A ses lois croit-il nous astreindre?
Vous avez du premierement
Garder votre gouvernement;
Mais, ne l'ayant pas fait, il vous devrait suffire
Que votre premier roi fut debonnaire et doux:
De celui-ci contentez-vous,
De peur d'en recontrer un pire."
Page last updated 01 Feb 2003.
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