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I have about 20 old trade cards with frogs on them advertising a variety of products. The oldest is dated 1880. Here are more of these cards.
"J. D. Larkin & Co's
'Elite' Toilet Soap. Quality, the finest made. A fine Handerchief
in every 25c. box. Clay & Richmond, Buffalo, N.Y. Copyright
J. D. Larkin & Co. Buffalo, NY 1882"
"Ayer's Ague Cure is warrented
to cure Fever & Ague and all malarial disorders. Prepared by
Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co Lowell, Mass"
"Sullivan's Black Diamond
Combination is coming! Don't fail to see them in their New
Version of Uncle Tom's Cabin."
"The Boat Race Henry L.
Carter, Manufacturer and Dealer in Hats, Caps, Trunks and
Umbrellas, 2163 Washington Street, Boston." This card is
copyrighted in 1880, which is the oldest date I have logged so
"J. B. Fisher. Boots, Shoes
& Rubbers, Keene, N.H."
"Clark's Mile-End Spool
Cotton" This trade card also has a copyright date of 1880.
Page last updated 01 Feb 2003.
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