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I have about 20 old trade cards with frogs on them advertising a variety of products. The oldest is dated 1880. Here are the first five of these cards.
" 'Mack's Milk Chocolate.' The
best! It is pure! Ready for Instant Use. Boiling Water Only
"Ayer's Ague Cure is warranted
to cure all malarial disorders."
On the back, this card says:
"Ayer's Ague Cure is a purely vegetable bitter and powerful
tonic, and is, with a positive knowledge of its effects,
warranted a certain cure for all malarial disorders. These
disorders owe their origin to a miasmatic poison, which enters
the blood through the lungs, deranges the liver, and causes the
various forms of agues and fevers, and blood-poisoning, known as
Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, Chill Fever,
"Malaria," Internittent, Remittent, Bilious, and
Typhoid Fevers.
"Ayer's Ague Cure neutralizes the malarial poison, and expels it from the system. It contains no quinine, nor any mineral ingredient; is positively safe and harmless; and never fails if used according to directions. It is an excellent remedy for Liver Complaints. Full directions with each bottle. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass."
"Flirtation " This card is copyrighted 1881.
On the back, this card advertises
The Diamond Dyes.
"Exquite" This card is
copyrighted 1880. It is the oldest dated card I have logged to
"Frog versus Toad. Ist Round.
Sparring for an opening." The picture is copyrighted 1887.
On the back this card advertises
the Furniture Drawer Equalizer Co., 1428 Olive Street, St. Louis:
"Do not let the dealer talk you out of having our NEW
EQUALIZER on the drawers of the furniture you buy. It costs but
little extra, and no article of luxury of similar cost can
compare with it. Patented June 4th, 1889"
Page last updated 01 Feb 2003.
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