Location: Lauderdale County, Mississippi
Water Source: Dunn's Spring
Drop: 65 Feet
Flow: Year
Directions: From near Meridian take I-59 south about six miles to Exit 142 (Savoy Exit) and go west (right) at the stop sign, followed by an immediate left (south) for .3 miles, following the signs to Dunn's Falls. Turn left at Dunn's Falls Road and go another 2 miles and park in the parking area on the right.
Notes: I went to Dunn's Falls in Mississippi June 20, 2005. There is an entry fee of $1.25 per person; the falls are a short walk down the sidewalk and down some stairs. There is also a grist mill, picnic area, and swimming area.
The middle photo in the top row above shows the wheel and falls from above. The middle photo in the bottom row shows the small falls below the main falls.
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Page last updated 01 Jul 2005.
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