Location: Misty Fjords National Monument near Ketchikan, Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Alaska
Water Source: Rain and melting snow
Notes: I went to Misty Fjords National Monument in Alaska September 3, 2007 when I took a skyplane tour into the fjords from Ketchikan, Alaska through Family Air. There were hundreds of unnamed waterfalls flowing down the 3000 foot cliffs from both rainfall and melting snow above. Here are a few of the many waterfall photos I took on this tour.
With this trip and these waterfall photos of waterfalls in Alaska, I completed my goal to find and photograph at least one waterfall in each of the 50 states!!
More Photos below! (You may click on the photos for a larger version.)
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Page last updated 08 Sep 2007.
Email comments to dmmaki@MichelesWorld.net