Little Lulu Comic Book Premiums

Dells Comics gave Little Lulu premiums with subscriptions to the comic. This page contains some of the Little Lulu Premiums. The two below were printed on the back cover of LL #23, May 1950, and LL #30, December, 1950. You may click on the pictures for a larger version.

5 Color Illustrations of Little Lulu and Her Friends

This page was the back cover of LL #23, May, 1950. Below are enlargements of sections of the page so you can read what it says. This page was written to the children to encurage them to send in a subscription for the comic.








Full Color Picture of the DELL COMICS FAMILY GROUP

This page was the back cover of LL #30, December, 1950. Below the enlargements of sections of the page is the lithograph picture that was given away.






Lulu History

Home Frogs Waterfalls Little Lulu Grandson Ryan

  Page last updated 07 Dec 2002.
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