A Day at the Pond and Other Frog Poems

My son Jason is 11. Feel free to add his poem to your frog page. Here is his poem

A Day at the Pond

I went to the pond to catch a frog,
I searched and searched on every log.

I brought with me a great big tub,
And sat it beneath a flowering shrub.

I searched up high in the trees,
And scraped up both of my knees.

I crawled around on the ground,
looking for something laying around.

I had mud all over me from my head to my toes,
I even had it on my nose!

My stomach told me it was time to eat,
So I put my shoes back on my feet.

As I walked away feeling very sad,
I saw a frog sitting on a lily pad.

My face lit up with a great big smile,
for he must of been there for quite awhile.

I leaped into the water up to my knees,
and he jumped away with the greatest of ease!

Jason Petz

Unnamed Frog Poem

"I have a froggy page and I look in it every day. My favourite month of the year is May. Froggies are usually green, they're the only kind I've ever seen! They could be red, purple or blue or they could match the colour of my shoe. This is the end of my song, my favourite brand is Billabong!" That was my song I made up for you. From Peter Deegan.


The poem U-hum on you web site is an old song we used to sing when we were kids. There are more verses.  

A frog went walking on a summers day uhum uhum
A frog went walking on a summers day - he met Miss mousy on the way
uhum, uhum, uhum uhum uhum

He said Miss Mousy will you marry me uhum uhum
He said Miss Mousy will you marry me, we'll live together in an apple tree
uhum, uhum, uhum uhum uhum

The first to the wedding was Mr Dick uhum uhum
The first to the wedding was Mr Dick , he ate so much that he nearly got sick
uhum, uhum, uhum uhum uhum

And what do you think they had for supper uhum uhum
And what do you think they had for supper, a fried mosquito on bread and butter
uhum, uhum, uhum uhum uhum

I am sure there is at least one more verse tho' i have forgotten.   ribbbit and kind regards Shae

Note from Michele: This appears to be another version of The Frog He Would A-Wooing Go

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  Page last updated 20 Feb 2005.
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