Frog Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the frogs

Of the United Ponds of America.

And to the Lily Pads on which they sit

One pond, under reeds,

With crickets and flies for all.

This pledge was written by my two children, Denise and John, when they were about 7-10 years old, around 1973. I already had my frog collection by that time, and they wrote this and the following poem for me.

Unnamed Frog Poem


Does it have webs? Ribbit, Ribbit
Little green webs? Ribbit, Ribbit

If it does then it is, Ribbit, Ribbit
A little green froggie. Ribbit, Ribbit


Does it have warts? Needeep, Needeep
Little Brown Warts? Needeep, Needeep

If it does then it is, Needeep, Needeep
A little brown toad. Needeep, Needeep


Does it have fins? Croak, Croak
Little green fins? Croak, Croak

If it does then it is, Croak, Croak
A little green polly. Croak, Croak


Does it have a little head? Ribbit, Ribbit
A real little head? Ribbit, Ribbit

If it does then it is, Ribbit, Ribbit
A little green tadpole. Ribbit, Ribbit


Does it croak loud? Croak, Croak
Real, real loud? Croak, Croak

If it does then it is, Croak, Croak
A big green bullfrog. Croak, Croak

Tree Frog

Does it climb trees? Needeep, Needeep
Climb real high? Needeep, Needeep

If it does then it is, Needeep, Needeep
A little green tree frog. Needeep, Needeep

House Frog

Does it live in a house? Ribbit, Ribbit
And eat lots of flies? Ribbit, Ribbit

If it does then it is, Ribbit, Ribbit
A big green house frog. Ribbit, Ribbit

Tree Toad

Does it camouflage itself? Croak, Croak
So you really can't see it? Croak, Croak

If it does then it is, Croak, Croak
A little brown tree toad. Croak, Croak

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  Page last updated 01 Feb 2003.
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